HBO's new series "Game of Thrones" premiered last sunday. The series for those who don't know is based on a series of seven books by American author George R. R. Martin. The first season will be based on the first book of the series "A Game of Thrones". This will be a fantasy series, but nothig like you've seen on TV before. As Martin himself puts it, this is fantasy for adults. While the likes of Lord of the Rings focused on magic and was clear battle of good vs evil, in Game of Thrones its approach is different. It doesn't spend a lot of attention on magic, and the conflicts aren't good vs evil either. It is a mature approach on the fantasy genre.
The pilot episode was nothing short from breathtaking. It was a mere glimpse into what is yet to come.
For the technical parts, Game of Thrones des
erves a very special mentioning. The set decoration and art direction is outstanding. The settings of the series are amazingly realistic and very well designed. The costumes are also a very good work, what helps the viewer be transported into the world of Westeros. The music is also a very good accomplishment. The cinematography was also very well made, and it made the show feel like it was an actual movie.

The acting was another fantastic element to the show. Theparts were perfectly casted and the characters fulfill their jobs. Sean Bean, who plays Eddard Stark, makes a very good first impression as to what could be one of the most
memorable TV performances of the last few years. (But remember, I said "possibly", so if something goes wrong, and I'm not saying it will, please don't judge me). Lena Heady's performance was also excellently played, and the feeling she inspires in you is the on you're supposed to feel. Nikolaj Coster Waldau also did a very good job in his cocky and arrogant role. Emilia Clarke's character and performance are probably the most sad and sympathy-inspiring ones, and her brother (played by Harry Lloyd) is just a heartless wimp who anyone would want to drive a stake through his heart. The kid actors, Maisie Williams and Isaac Hempstead-Wright, deserve a mentioning too as they were also very good in their parts.

What I think that people will have the most trouble with is the show's level of sex and violence. Personally, I didn't have a problem with that, safe maybe for the shocking revelation at the end which I thought could be a little too much for TV. But what I hear most people compain about is that this series is too violent and has too much sex. For my part I disagree, in the episode there weren't really many violent or sexual scenes. A couple, yes, but not many. The problem really is that it was a little too graphic with what it showed. But hey, if it is there it is for a reason. I haven't read the books but for what I understand sex is an important aspect as women use it as weapon and its a weakness in men, or something like that, and I guess that its graphic violence is there because they didn't want to restrain its nature.
If you want to watch HBO's new series Game of Thrones then my advice is to go ahead, that is if you're not easily offended by controversial subjects, sex and violence. It is a very well done series, almost cinematic, with an excellent cast and great story and characters, not to mention its settings, costumes, cinematography and music. So, HBO's Game of Thrones is a very worthy television accomplishment. Before, I thought Boardwalk Empire was the best new thing this season, but Game of Thrones can give it a hard battle. Maybe this year we'll finally have an interesting Emmy race....